Monday, February 14, 2011

Strawberry Heart | Chicago Childrens Photographer Rosalba Berardi


Every Photo has a story...Last year on Valentines Day I was cutting strawberries for my children and I look down and sure enough there was a perfectly shaped heart from a single slice. It's the little things that make me smile!! and of course I had to photograph the little heart.... Glad I did because one of my children ate it in seconds!
Hope everyone's heart's are happy today as they should be everyday!

Stay tune for some fun Spring Photo Session News.

(c) rosalba Berardi Photography

Friday, February 11, 2011

I ♥ Snow! | Chicago Childrens Photographer Rosalba Berardi

We have certainly embraced the snow in my household...We are having so much fun with our children.
We ♥ Snow! I hope your streets are cleaned and clear and your out and about by now. Hope you are  enjoyed the snow as much as we are. We can't get enough of sledding, skiing, igloo making, snow ball fights and snow people creations! Even though we love the snow we are definitely looking forward to Spring 2011.  I leave you with a photo I took during the blizzard. Stay Warm!
